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Projection and Video Integrations

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Projection and Video Integrations

Videos play a very significant role in our lives. Several studies have revealed the following findings:.

  1. Almost 50 percent of our brains are involved in visual processing.
  2. People following directions with illustrations do 323 percent better than those following text directions alone.
  3. People only remember 10 percent of what they hear after three days, but if a relevant image is paired with that same information, retention goes up to 65 PERCENT!

Therefore video is a critical component for communicating effectively today. It engages your audience in a way no other technology can. Video is no longer optional in most performance environments. Today, there are many choices available due to advances in projection methods and soaring image resolutions. As the technology continues to move forward, you need to make decisions that serve you well into the future.

This means Video Projection stands amongst few of the major elements of the project and Video Integration has to be done with respect to below mentioned basic principles.

    1. Nature of Content– The Screen Size and projectors are to be suggested and installed on the basis of what kind of content has to be displayed. The contents could be any one of these:
      • Power point Presentations
      • Broadcast programmes.
      • Computer Screen Mirroring and Streaming Videos
    2. Dimensions of the room and seating capacity– Larger rooms and larger seating capacities require larger screens and higher resolutions.
    3. Input Sources
    4. Ambient Light Levels

The system should be Versatile and Easy to operate.

Our professional team of engineers understand video technology and how to make it work for your needs, both solving today’s challenges and preparing you for tomorrow’s. We design comprehensive solutions for your space from large-scale multi-panel presentation displays to environmental and architectural projection.